10 Books won’t Help.

Living with danger will.

Are you stuck with what to learn?

The mind has a knack for overcomplicating things, sometimes taking me for a ride—a rollercoaster I don't want to go.

I see something interesting…

Book, a framework, a person.

Yes, people are fascinating.

I will start to explore it and go all in, sticking with it for a while, only to find the next interesting book, article, etc.

Does it sound familiar?

When I was training in MMA, the challenge was overwhelming—new leg lock techniques, striking combinations, sparring classes, a new weight-cutting method.

Damn, I kind of miss it.

But at the end of the day, the best way is to focus on one thing for a certain period of time.

If I had a fight coming up, rigorous training followed with no jumping from curiosity to curiosity.

Strangely, I was always a better fighter after the fight.


I actually tested what I learned in a real fight.

Sparring in the gym was hard and grueling, but it was missing the most important element…


So, my friend, win or lose, focus on one thing for a period, test it in the real world, learn what worked, and become better.

What am I learning at the moment?

Digital Marketing.

I bought a course on it a couple of weeks ago.

  • I know how to write content.

  • I know how to monetize a Youtube account.

  • I know how to drive traffic to our podcast.

Time to learn more.


Viral posts are hard…

My simple framework gives me a viral post every time.

I call it the ’Hormozi numbers.’

Start with a Connection:

Start by saying two things are related.

Show Growth Step by Step.

Show how they grow little by little.

Highlight Similarity.

Explain how these things are similar.

Drive the Point Home.

Finish by making sure everyone remembers the main idea.