22 years clean and sober today.

From Drugs and Alcohol.

I had my sober date today. 22 years ago, I stopped using.

A special day for me. The situation today would not be possible if I hadn’t stopped using 22 years ago.

Funny, how I posted the other day that I had reached a plateau in my writing and didn't have the spark at the moment.

One guy told me to try psychedelics to get my creative juices back. I can’t do that… It would lead to destruction. And I already did it as a younger man.

  • LSD.

  • Mushrooms.

  • Ketamine.

Sorry to burst your bubble but after using for 7 years… It’s a complete waste of time.

I learned…nothing…

Or honestly, I learned it’s fun and all the first… But when people get psychotic, the fun gets serious.

The other thing is, after I got clean, I noticed I don’t need drugs or alcohol for anything.

Not to party. Not to talk to women. Not to relax.

I’m not saying people can’t try or have fun…

I’m saying you don’t need it. The gist is that people have to learn this by themselves.

22 years of sober life gives me exactly that…experience. All of this writing, podcasting, and self-improvement won’t work if I’m using.

Sticking a needle in my arm was a nightmare.

Stopping sent my life in a completely different direction… My friends are deceased…they stuck with the needle and the damage done.

I’m so lucky I can do this stuff. Great to be here, guys.

In other news, my friends…

My podcast is flaming hot…I posted a lot of content around the social media growth and YouTube.

But now…

I did a 5-day email course on how I monetized my Youtube channel in 49 days…

Grab it for free from here.