Evil Genius Roasts Me.

Drug Dealer Wisdom (Bonus)

I struggle with asking the hard questions of myself.

Always have. It’s the nature of my disease. It warps reality and feeds lies.

Before you can break out of prison, you must realize you are locked up.” - Anonymous

I sat down to record a podcast with Dom, from Evilmedia Company. Some of you may know him from 𝕏.

Vocabulary of Shakespeare and the darkest humor on this side of money 𝕏.

The podcast starts, and we talk about normal stuff…

‘How has the life of a social media creator affected your life?’

I started thinking about the pros and cons.


  • Created a Personal Brand

  • Made a lot of new friends

  • Passionate life


  • I have no social life

  • Sleep-deprived

  • Depressed and addicted

I gave Dom a good, in-depth answer:

‘I need a passion to function, or I will get depressed.’

Which is kind of funny…

I’m depressed and fell into a trap of addiction.

Cunning and malevolent sickness inside your soul.

Not drugs but social media…

It’s like when you open Tik Tok, and you want to take a peek…

The peek lasts for 8 hours.

I was scrolling the 𝕏 timeline the whole day…

I could not stop.

Is this the journey I signed up for?


Talking with Dom on the Podcast opened my eyes.

I get lost with my addiction, and I need to treat it…

If not, it will take control.

You know what I speak of.

  1. Compulsive Behavior: When someone is addicted, they often can't stop doing something, and this becomes a big part of addiction.

  1. Prioritizing the Addiction: As addiction gets stronger, the things that are most important change. The addictive substance or behavior becomes the main focus, and important things like responsibilities and activities get left behind.

  1. Isolation: Addiction can make people want to be alone. They might avoid friends, family, and social activities, feeling lonely and making the addiction cycle worse.

  1. Mood Swings: People with addiction often feel different emotions. First, they might feel really good because of the addictive substance or behavior. Later, they might feel upset, anxious, or sad, creating a kind of emotional rollercoaster.

So what can we do?

If you want to succeed in the creator game, you need to produce content.

We need human contact.

I called my friend and told him about the state of my mind.

The remedy was simple:

  • Get out.

  • Schedule your content (You can still post the banger on the fly).

  • Call your friends.

  • Go to the gym.

  • Get your sleep in order (Content will be better…guaranteed).

I got my priorities in order, talked to a friend, and told my community.

But, I credit the evil Dom for asking the right questions.

If you need help with this, give me a reply…

And not trying to sell you anything…

I know how it feels.

And I almost forgot…

Drug dealer wisdom…

‘The first dose is always free.’

‘The second will cost you everything.’