Get out.

The best way to improve content is…

I was too obsessed. Twitter was taking up too much of my time.

Writing forcefully.

"Writer's block."

A 24/7 film played in my head.

"Kai, you have to write good content."

Sleep deprived.

This is not optimal.

This is not healthy.

A stressful life.


It’s not why I joined Twitter.


I tried scheduling tweets and writing on the weekends.

Not my style. Creativity suffers.

The best ideas just pop up.

In the beginning, I had a flow.

I would read a book, sleep like a baby, and wake up.

Ideas started streaming into my mind.

I don't know about you, but freestyle writing is my style...


Summer vacation for a month. Time to write. The big revelation is...

You know it. Hard to do.

Go outside and live your life.

Inside writing.

All day…

Twitter was starting to feel like a prison.

I confided to my friend.

I told him...

"I'm stressed out, having sleepless nights, and experiencing writer's block."

Sharing brought a sense of relief.

Creativity is like an exercise. The more you force it, the narrower your mind becomes.

"Maybe you should do something else and let go."

That was my friend's advice.

I felt irritated, obsessed, and resentful...

Let go and get out.

He was right. Anxiety disappeared. Ideas started flowing in...

Simple things.

Get outside. Be with friends. Read a book. Exercise. Plan a trip...

Automate your subconscious to do the work.

You don’t have to be on Twitter 24/7.

Trust the process!

  • Tweet 2-3 times a day.

  • Comment 10-15 times and then get out.

  • Schedule tweets if it works for you or...

  • Freestyle like me.

Erwan Lier is the best at this. Check out his thread about creating content.

There you go!

Thank you for reading.

Let go and let flow.

See you next Sunday.

One other thing…

Beginner Hell is ugly:

• no clarity on next steps

• no friends to support you

• no money earned from Twitter

And that makes most quit.

But what if Hell had a backdoor…

A backdoor to monetisation?

Join the Roasters Academy waitlist to get it👇

Reading tip of the week:  


You don’t want to write like everybody else.

Stand out. Unique writing style.

Level up your tweets.